On November 9, 2020 eligible voters in Arviat have cast their vote on the following question:
Are you in favour of replacing the current liquor prohibition system in the Hamlet of Arviat and surrounding area with a restricted quantities system?
Liquor Elections & Plebiscites
On November 9, 2020 eligible voters in Arviat have cast their vote on the following question:
Are you in favour of replacing the current liquor prohibition system in the Hamlet of Arviat and surrounding area with a restricted quantities system?
Municipal Elections
Results – Pangnirtung Mayor By-election
Territorial Elections
Craig Atangalaaq Simailak has been acclaimed as MLA for the constituency of Baker Lake.
Territorial Elections
Calvin Aivgak Pedersen has been acclaimed as MLA for the constituency of Kugluktuk.
Territorial Elections
The by-election for the constituency of Kugluktuk has been scheduled for August 24, 2020, after the resignation of former Member of the Legislative Assembly Mila Adjukak Kamingoak.
Municipal Elections
Acclaimed Candidates in Arctic Bay, Clyde River and Qikiqtarjuaq
Municipal Elections
A by-election for the Kimmirut Alcohol Education Committee (AEC) will take place on December 9. Advance vote December 2.
Declaration of Candidacy week will be November 4-8.
Municipal Elections
Mayor, Council and members of a District Education Authority (DEA) Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted Sept 23-27. Municipal Election Day is Oct 28, 2019.
Municipal Elections
RANKIN INLET, Nunavut - (April 1, 2019) -.
Liquor Elections & Plebiscites
RANKIN INLET, Nunavut – (February 25, 2019) -.
On February 25, eligible voters in Kugaaruk voted on the following question: