News & Events

Municipal Elections

Results – Coral Harbour Mayor By-election: Patterk Netser has been elected as Mayor for the community of Coral Harbour.

Liquor Elections & Plebiscites

Are you in favour of replacing the current prohibited liquor system in Gjoa Haven with a restricted quantities system?

Liquor Elections & Plebiscites

A by-election will be held in Naujaat to elect additional members to the community’s Alcohol Education Committee (AEC).

Legislative Assembly

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Tony Akoak today announced the release of the 2023 Report of the Nunavut Electoral Boundaries Commission.


NEBC Press Release- all languages


Request for Proposals - Legal Counsel Services

Legislative Assembly

The Legislative Assembly today approved a motion to establish an Electoral Boundaries Commission.

Liquor Elections & Plebiscites

The Question: “Are you in favour of off-premise licences being issued in Iqaluit?”

Liquor Elections & Plebiscites

A public information meeting will be held in Iqaluit on October 12, 2022, at 6 p.m. at the Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum regarding the upcoming plebiscite for off-premises beer sales licences in Iqaluit.

Liquor Elections & Plebiscites

The Question: “Are you in favour of off-premise licences being issued in Iqaluit?”
Voting Day: October 24 with an advance vote on October 17.